Yeniwallet has become a real breakthrough in the crypto industry. During its development, all crypto investors‘ wishes were considered. That’s why the new product so quickly gained immense popularity and a lot of customers. Today, about 20,000 crypto-enthusiasts from all over the world actively use the service. Reviews about Yeniwallet cryptocurrency wallet speak for themselves: users are satisfied with the modern device for storing cryptocurrency assets.


Where to read honest reviews about Yeniwallet?

As a rule, when a new platform is introduced, a certain period passes before it becomes popular. However, this case is just the opposite. The opinion of the authors of reviews about the reliability of Yeniwallet is unanimously high. You can familiarize yourself with them on social networks such as OK, VK, vc ru, and on profile sites:

We can say, judging by the reviews, that the service is highly productive. The reviews note the unconditional advantages of using the electronic storage are the following:

  1. Modern intuitive interface. The functionality is available even for users with a minimal understanding of cryptocurrency.
  2. Wide choice of currencies. Users have access to more than 100 types of cryptocurrencies. No overpayments. Coin-to-US dollar exchange transactions is subject to a 0.01% fee.
  3. The coin-for-coin exchange does not require any additional fees at all. Passive income. Even in the absence of account movements, the owner of crypto assets receives additional profit.
  4. Support service. You can contact a specialist via chat or by writing to an e-mail. The answer will come immediately.

Transactions are made through the website. The disadvantages of Yeniwallet include the lack of a mobile application. However, users do not have long to wait. The developers have already announced its imminent appearance. The services of sale/purchase and exchange will become even more accessible.

Cryptocurrency wallet: what is it used for?

Cryptocurrency wallet Yeniwallet is an application that serves as a virtual storage for various cryptocurrencies. Its functionality is similar to the storage of cash, bank cards, and special keys are used to access the assets. With their help, you can make transactions signed.

How to register in Yeniwallet

The main principle of the cryptocurrency wallet is reliability. It is possible to store more than 100 digital coins and tokens on the platform. 

There are no difficulties in creating an account. The process is simple, fast, and, most importantly, completely free. A crypto investor will need to do the following:

provide an e-mail address; make up a strong password (in case of loss, it cannot be restored); wait for an e-mail with the code to be sent to the specified e-mail address; activate access via the link.

  • provide an e-mail address;
  • make up a strong password (in case of loss, it cannot be restored);
  • wait for an e-mail with the code to be sent to the specified e-mail address;
  • activate access via the link.

After that, it is necessary to pass verification. It will protect the client from fraudulent actions in the future.   

In the cryptocurrency wallet, you can view the current balance. The crypto investor can check the order in the „Transactions“ tab. From the reviews, it is clear that there is access to price charts and the cost of funds in the selected fiat currency.

Yeniwallet functionality

The cryptocurrency wallet is used to exchange coin for coin, coin for US dollar, or vice versa. It is a so-called intermediary between clients when making online payments. The service supports the fastest possible exchange of 100+ cryptocurrencies. How to make an exchange? Read more about it below:

  • the owner of the cryptocurrency sends a request to the other party for a certain number of coins;
  • a unique address is automatically generated,
  • converting it into a QR code;
  • a digital device reads the QR code; with the unique address, the client receives the cryptocurrency.

A unique address is generated with each request. 


Like all financial spheres, the crypto industry needs maximum privacy and reliability of transactions. Yeniwallet is characterized by multi-level security, guaranteeing the protection of cryptoassets from any potential attackers.  

When creating an account, a strong password is required. The client’s task is to save it, as even specialists cannot help in recovery due to lack of access. Such a measure excludes internal theft. The authors of reviews about Yeniwallet note it.

Security is provided by internal encryption of all data, to which no one has access, two-stage authorization, and other tools.

Additional security measures are also applied. It is suggested to use IP address whitelists to prevent logging in from unfamiliar devices.


Yeniwallet is the most secure HD wallet available today. According to reviews about the product, the security of the service is provided at a high level. A unique address is created for each transaction. Yeniwallet cryptocurrency wallet runs perfectly from any browser. Transactions are carried out promptly and with maximum accuracy.

Title: Freepik


Hugo hat bis 2016 Wirtschaftsinformatik studiert und sammelte erste Erfahrungen als IT-Consultant in einer Unternehmensberatung. Mittlerweile arbeitet er in einem großen DAX Konzern als Technical Product Owner und befasst sich mit Themen wie Agilität, Technologien und IT-Organisation.

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