Nice that you are interested in a guest article. I’m always looking forward to new topics, ideas and fresh wind as there are a lot of topics I can’t cover all.
I also offer as english version!
For companies and agencies in English and German
The following information is binding for each guest article and is accepted upon booking.
A guest article is a good opportunity to promote your company or to enhance your own domain with a backlink (do-follow). I have over 25,000 readers per month and the chance that you will gain new customers through the guest article is very high. The language is German and English.
Examples of guest articles can be found here!
For companies/freelancers I charge a fee for the guest article. You will get an individual offer after request, which depends on the article topic. There are no specifications for the guest article. You determine length and wording. I will give you helpful tips on content and format the article for my blog for you.
Write an email directly to or use the contact form!
Terms and conditions for guest articles
You can find the terms and conditions for guest articles here. You accept them with your order. However, I will explicitly point this out to you in an email.
Information about the guest article
The following information is binding for every guest article and will be accepted when booking.
- are there any examples?
Of course. You can find them here. - is the article marked as advertising?
Normally not unless there is advertising in the article. According to the current jurisdiction, I will then discreetly but transparently mark the articles as advertising. If this is a problem, please write a message. - is the link Dofollow or Nofollow?
Dofollow. - how long will the article stay online (guaranteed duration)?
As long as my blog exists but at least 3 years. - is the article creation included or should we deliver the article (both possible)?
I can write the article for an extra charge of 50 Euro (400 words). - if we deliver the text, do you have any special requirements for the text writing (e.g. text length in words, language style, address)?
No. I am completely uncomplicated and flexible! - what is the approximate turnaround time (in working days)?
It takes maximum 48h - is it necessary to specify an author?
It can go online anonymously or with the indication of an author. No links are possible in the author box. Only in the text. - where can I insert links?
No links can be inserted in the author box. In the article text you can insert links at any place. - Do I have to provide an author text?
No. You are welcome to send the text to me without specifying the author. - how can I pay?
I accept only IBAN and Paypal (no fee). Other services are excluded or must be arranged with me beforehand. There is always an invoice. - is the article visible on the start page?
I decide this in each individual case. As a rule, it will not be visible on the home page. - will the article be in the Google index in any case?
I cannot guarantee this. I also take out articles if they are not indexed by Google. - what else do I need to know?
You can find the terms and conditions for the guest article here. You accept them with your order. However, I will explicitly point this out to you in an email.
Paid Blog Article – Blog Marketing
When we think of influencers, Instagram models or TikTok stars come to mind. There’s no question that young people in particular are inspired to make purchasing decisions by their role models on social media. However, it’s also true that not every brand benefits from a presence on every platform. For instance, in some cases, a paid blog post can be much more appropriate to attract customers, enjoy SEO benefits or create buzz.
What are paid blog articles?
The paid blogpost is basically nothing more than a text content placed on someone else’s website for a fee. In doing so, one can have different goals. However, a paid blog article is rarely directly promotional in nature. Rather, a sympathetic communication with the target group to be reached is aimed at. As „Hubspot“ has found, 86% of all users prefer an honest and authentic dialog with brands. That’s why paid blogposts are often tailored by agencies to the needs of advertisers. It’s not just about building backlinks, but also about supporting your own branding. That’s why content marketing offers added value that is positively appreciated by the user.
Aren’t blogs antiquated?
We live in an age in which social media are outpacing the classic blog. Younger users in particular are flocking to Tiktok and Instagram. However, depending on the project, the target group is not necessarily found on social media platforms of the latest generation. In addition, a study by the business magazine „Forbes“ found that consistent representation of a brand across different channels can boost revenues by up to 23%. Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that we need to be confronted with a company 5-7 times to even remember it. As long as this is true, it also makes sense to incorporate paid blogposts into your online marketing strategy.

Paid Blog Article – Blog Marketing
Advantage #1 – Target audiences directly.
Everyone who has a budget to do online marketing faces a problem at the beginning. The question arises as to how best to use the resources at hand to achieve maximum advertising impact. Not every product or service is of interest to the masses. The smaller the circle of interested parties, the more you have to try to find advertising channels through which you can directly address the target audience. A paid blog article can help to become better known where it is important. At the same time, it is a fallacy that the paid blog post only has to appear on particularly high-reach portals. It depends not only on how many readers perceive the brand communication, but also how they react to it. The more targeted such a blog post is, the more positive the effect for the brand. Wherever added value is created, the recipient automatically feels attached to the author. Or in other words: Those who offer their target group added value free of charge create loyalty and strengthen their brand.
Advantage #2 – Building your own brand in a targeted way
Those who are faced with a purchasing decision often have many options. Therefore, it is important for every company that the first impression is good. The brand of a company is here a symbol, which stands precisely for that impression. A paid blog article can help to retain customers and acquire new customers. This does not even have to happen via the blog post itself. Those who have a good impression of a brand are more inclined to make a purchase. According to „Fundera“, up to 43% of all people are more willing to pull out their wallets if there is brand affinity. How can such loyalty be generated? According to a study by Demand Metric, the reputation of a brand increases in 82% of all cases if helpful content is published regularly (61%). This does not have to be done through proprietary channels. A paid blog post on third-party sites can be just as helpful! The resulting multiplier effects should not be underestimated. Some personalities are inclined to spread information perceived as useful among their circle of friends and acquaintances. A single paid blog article can trigger an avalanche of free „word of mouth“ advertising, which generates leads and consolidates the company’s position in the market.
Those who are clever in this context develop content that has a viral character and is therefore readily shared. Of course, some topics lend themselves more to the creation of creative content. Ultimately, however, it depends on one’s own enthusiasm for ideas – or the quality of the marketing agency with which one works. Here, too, there are unfortunately very big differences. Experienced specialists in content marketing create viral campaigns in close consultation with the client, which can cause quite a stir.
Advantage #3 – Being at the top of Google
By now it is widely known that a good Google ranking is not a result of divine providence. There is no point in publishing good content and waiting for visitors. Recently, it has been repeatedly claimed that the backlink has lost its value. Supposedly, it would be enough to mention the brand on social media. Undoubtedly, the SEO landscape has changed drastically in recent years. However, the backlink has never lost its value. Whoever receives linking can be trusted. Who is trusted, deserves a good position in the search results pages. However, an effective SEO strategy cannot be designed quite so simply. Over the years, Google has become much smarter at detecting manipulation. Thus, in the past, it was possible to climb to the top positions by link spamming. Those who use such tactics in 2021 can consider themselves lucky if the desired effect simply fails to materialize. In the worst case, Google gets suspicious and relegates you to the „sandbox“ – a kind of prison for fresh pages that cannot yet be trusted. As long as one’s website remains in this limbo, the more difficult SEO becomes. What can you do as a responsible person? A paid blog article coming from a good website can help.
For the layman it is sometimes difficult to evaluate the goodness of a backlink. A paid blog post should therefore only be purchased if you know what you are buying in the first place! Therefore, here now follow some criteria according to which a selection can be made.
First, I would like to talk about the factor of semantic relevance. Through the use of machine learning, Google succeeds more and more in finding out whether the backlink comes from a relevant page. Why is this important at all? Simply because it is much more difficult to procure a measure of content relevant backlinks. It is easier to rely on paid blog articles, where a thematic relevance is not given. Google also knows this and automatically devalues corresponding links! In addition, each link is also to be considered as an evaluation. And an evaluation by an expert always weighs more than that of a layman. On the one hand, the page relevance is important. In which immediate text environment is the link integrated? A paid blog post is always written in such a way that a thematic relevance to the target page is established. On the other hand, it is also important to consider the domain on which the text is published. Are there at least rough thematic links?
Also very important is the strength of the backlink, which is derived from the popularity of the linking page. On the one hand, it is necessary in this regard to check what trust the domain enjoys with Google. Various tools can be used to find out whether pages of the domain rank well for as many keywords as possible. Another criterion is the age of the domain. The older it is, the higher the chance that the search engines will no longer perceive the web project as a „flash in the pan“. However, the actual strength of the domain is particularly decisive. If it is strongly linked by other large sites, then its value as a backlink source increases. Tools from Majestic, Ahref or Sistrix are able to provide clues as to the authority of the domain. Nevertheless, one should not rely on indicators. Instead, it is recommended to check the backlink profile manually before ordering a paid blog post.

Paid articles for large companies
You may now be considering whether content marketing could be part of your advertising strategy. However, there are a few things to keep in mind. The more valuable your brand is, the more serious mistakes will be. Before a paid blog article goes online, it needs to be scrutinized for content. If content errors are found, your company’s credibility will drop. The same applies to spelling and grammatical errors. You should therefore have texts proofread by third parties and discuss them internally. It is also worth considering having the content created by a specialized text agency. Instead of stringing words and sentences together, specialists are able to create powerful guides and entertaining blogposts that have a viral character. You are not buying a text, but valuable expertise that will make the campaign a success.
The choice of the portal where the content is published is also important. The more valuable the brand, the more reputable the environment must be from which to link. If this is not taken into account, the reputation in the public can even be damaged. Instead of strengthening one’s position in the market, one not only loses money, but also affects overall brand loyalty. A paid blog post is a powerful marketing tool that must be used wisely.
Content marketing in the skilled trades
Many craft businesses still rely too much on traditional marketing channels. Yet an online presence in particular is becoming increasingly important. Instead of looking in the yellow pages, people search for a craftsman on the Internet. What many do not know: It may not be difficult at all to be at the top of Google – if the competition is low. For many search terms, this is the case. However, a paid blog post doesn’t just improve your own ranking. It may well happen that a paid blog article itself achieves a good ranking. The higher quality the domain is linked from, the greater the chance that the blogpost will be listed well on Google. Especially for longer phrases and keyword chains („longtails“), the post can rank quickly. This has several consequences. On the one hand, one’s own company is perceived much more strongly. However, it is much more important that potential customers click through to your offer and contact you. Especially if your own page is still under construction, a paid blog post can help generate visitors to your domain.
Earn money on the Internet
There are several approaches to profit from the power of the Internet. Even in the early days of the web, it fascinated with the possibility of earning money from home. In doing so, one has various options. Thus, advice and expert pages can be built, on which advertisements are placed. As a webmaster, one receives either a certain amount per click, lead or sale. Of course, SEO is also part of such a business strategy. In the past, it was easy to push your own project by buying low-quality links. Unfortunately, Google has now put a stop to this. This is one of the reasons why more and more small business owners rely on high-quality backlinks that look particularly genuine and natural. The goal: to survive a manual check by Google. The manipulation is not visible if a paid blog post looks as if it was not bought. However, caution is required here, because in some countries it is mandatory to clearly mark advertising as such. A paid blog article may also fall under this term.
A paid blog post is easy to buy
If you are now interested, you can easily purchase „sponsored posts“ online. One turns best immediately to an agency, which specialized with the selling of such advertising novelties. These have a large card index of participating sides, on which articles and links can be placed. Beyond that also the writing is taken off you – if this is so desired.
However, if you want to save money, you can also start your own search. Many small webmasters try to earn extra money by allowing paid blog marketing. In times where Google Adsense only pays a few cents per click, site operators are looking around for alternative ways to monetize. A paid blog article on a small web presence is more valuable in this regard than one might suspect at first. There are two reasons for this. First, you can never tell if a small hobby site will grow into a large portal. Each contribution on a foreign page is like a seed, from which a tree can grow, which carries rich fruits. On the other hand, the number of linking domains is also a valuable SEO signal. That’s why a paid blog article on a small page can have a very big impact on your own ranking.