Nice that you are interested in a guest article. I always look forward to new topics, ideas and fresh wind because there are a variety of topics that I cannot cover all of them.
Find the german version here!
I also offer as english version!
For companies and agencies in english and german
The following information is binding for every guest article and is accepted when booking.
A guest article is a good way to promote the company or to upgrade your own domain with a backlink (do-follow). I have over 25,000 readers per month and the chance that you will win new customers through the guest article is very high. The Language is German and English.
You can find examples of guest articles here!
I ask companies / freelancers for a fee for the guest article. Upon request, you will receive an individual offer, which depends on the item topic. There are no requirements for the guest article. You determine the length and wording. I’ll give you helpful content tips and format the article for my blog for you.
Write an email to or use the contact form!
Your advantages
- Author’s box with a picture and a person / company description (maximum 500 characters, including spaces) – but also without, e.g. Marketing agencies on behalf of customers Perfect for winning new customers or getting a backlink (do-follow)
- Good Prices
- High distribution of your specialist articles through our good ranking in the search engines
- New articles appear automatically on the homepage and in the category pages
- Your texts will be tweeted and distributed on Facebook many interested and nice readers, who also contact you
- Professional graphic processing and internal linking will be done for you
Guestarticle Conditions
You can find the Guestarticle conditions here. You will accept them when you order the guestarticle.
Information about the guest article
The following information is binding for every guest article and is accepted when booking.
1. Are there any examples?
Naturally. You can find them here.
2. Is the article marked as an advertisement?
I dont do this with normal article. But if the article includes advertisment I need to clarify them as commerical with a small box because of the german law. If this is a problem for you just write me and we find a solution.
3. Is the link Dofollow or Nofollow?
4. How long does the article stay online (guaranteed term)?
As long as my blog exists at least 3 years.
5. Is the article creation included or should we deliver the article (both possible)?
I can write the article for an additional charge of 25-50 euros depends on the complexity of the article – 400 to 600 Words. This additional to the publication costs – you can ask me for this costs.
6. If we deliver the text, do you have any special requirements for the creation of the text (e.g. length of text in words, language style, address)?
No. I am completely uncomplicated and flexible!
7. How long is the processing time approximately (in working days)?
It takes a maximum of 48h
8. Must an author be specified?
It can go online anonymously or by specifying an author. You can not add links to the autorbox only to the text!
9. Where can I insert links?
No links can be inserted in the author box. You can insert links at any point in the article text.
10. Do I have to provide an author text?
No. You can also send the text to me without specifying the author.
11. How can I pay?
I only accept IBAN and Paypal (no fee). Other services are excluded or must be discussed with me beforehand. There is always a bill.
12. Is the article visible on the home page?
I decide this on a case-by-case basis. As a rule, it will not be visible on the home page.
13. will the article be in the Google index in any case?
I cannot guarantee this. I also take out articles if they are not indexed by Google.
14. what else do I need to know?
You can find the terms and conditions for the guest article here. You accept them with your order. However, I will explicitly point this out to you in an email.
That you need good backlinks for SEO is no longer a big secret when it comes to writing good texts or creating special content. Nevertheless, at this point the question arises how to recognize whether a link is actually of high quality. And beyond that: Can this be measured at all? And if so, what exactly are the right metrics for this?
It is precisely these questions, and especially the answers to them, that I would like to address in this article.
But first I would like to start by clarifying how exactly first-class texts and a sophisticated SEO strategy can be implemented.
How do you write good lyrics?
With writing it is probably like with many things in life, once you get the hang of it, good content develops relatively easily and independently. At the beginning, however, it is often not easy to find your way in. In order to create meaningful and appealing texts it can therefore help to follow some important principles. I would like to explain five such standards in more detail below.
texts as unique copies
Although this point should generally be self-evident, the exact interpretation is not always clear. For this does not only mean that texts should not be simply copied/paste or only slightly modified, but that each text should be regarded as a work of its own. Thus also in relation to own already written works. This is often easier said than done, because the content often cannot be reinvented. Therefore, it is more about giving texts their own touch, creating a USP or in other words a striking feature. Anyone who manages to write texts in a way that makes the readers immediately recognize who the author behind them is, is already one foot over the finish line. So writing is not just about the content. Rather, the packaging and the creation of authenticity also play a decisive role in writing good texts.
give texts a structure
However, even the best lyrics can still radiate credibility and a spark of uniqueness. If, however, a good structure is missing here, the reader is quickly tired and disinterested.
Often it happens that the fair adaptation of texts to SEO standards falls at the cost of reading quality. Although the work is SEO-compliant in the end and is written by the program as a good result, sentences and sections are so deformed that the reading flow is disturbed. The final result is that articles are found, but clicked away more quickly due to too much reading effort, and not read to the end, or such websites are generally avoided.
determine the target group correctly
In principle, good texts are also geared to the appropriate target group. This applies not only to the content, but also to parameters such as vocabulary, sentence structure, depth of subject matter and length of articles. Younger target groups, for example, often prefer shorter and more concise articles, while older readers also like to read longer texts. In addition, slang or dialects can also be adapted to the target group.
Hand in hand with this, good texts should also be adapted to the platform on which they will be published. Therefore it is important to know where exactly your target group is on the web and how they can find the articles there. In order to obtain this information as precisely as possible, it is often worthwhile to closely observe the direct competition and their procedures and measures.
use keywords
In addition to creativity, structure and the right target group, there are also important basic building blocks that have a decisive influence on the quality of a text. This includes the use of good and appropriate keywords. Often, however, exactly this is not so easy. The SEO standards only provide parameters such as an optimal density of 2-3 percent. However, keywords should not only be used purely according to number. Rather, it is also about the correct placement and this can differ from article to article. So it is always advisable to consider where exactly keywords in the text are useful. This can also be in headings, subheadings or picture descriptions at the beginning of the article.

maintain meta data
If you also want to give your texts the final touch, you should not do without the maintenance of meta data. Even if they are not directly usable for the reader, they can have a considerable influence on the visibility of the texts in Google search results. Since the title of a text is one of the biggest ranking factors, it is therefore sensible to place keywords at the beginning of the article name. The meta-description should not exceed the given length of 156 characters and should be kept short and concise.
What is the relationship between backlinks and SEO?
Besides varied content and writing good texts, backlinks are also one of the most important SEO ranking factors. Often also called „external“ or „incoming“ links, they serve to refer from one page of a website to a page of another, external website. This means that backlinks literally belong to the online reputation of a website. The more backlinks a website has, the higher its value and quality can be rated. This in turn drives the importance of the website up in the Google ranking and thus ensures more traffic.
Why else are backlinks important?
Beyond the general ranking, backlinks also ensure that new websites are found more quickly by Google. A high density of external links allows Google bots to find new sites much faster in the streets of the web, so that they appear more quickly in search results.
In addition, backlinks also provide a higher level of trust and credibility and can thus significantly increase the traffic of a site. In addition, it can help even as a smaller side to stay „in the conversation“ and not to go down completely against the big competitors. However, it is also here of crucial importance that the content is kept in high quality. Because otherwise not only readers but also the supporters of a website will jump off.
How do I recognize high quality backlinks?
However, not all incoming backlinks can be classified as equivalent. After all, this is exactly the same as with regular recommendations. The more prominent or recognised the advocate is, the higher the quality of his or her review. So if you have backlinks from large and well-known sites, if possible on an expert level, they will be rated by Google in its own ranking as higher quality and more meaningful. This can cause some pages to rank higher than others even though they have comparatively fewer backlinks. However, here the quality of the external links leads to the fact that the density of incoming links is outbid and thus downgraded.
Furthermore, there are also different types of backlinks. These include among others
- Dofollow links: Links that deliberately refer the reader to another site and thus express their trust in this site.
- Nofollow links: Links that deliberately refer the reader to another site, but do not want to vouch for the trustworthiness of this site. However, for this purpose the attribute „nofollow“ must be added to the link.
- Paid/sponsored links: Links that are set on the basis of a financial contract. In order not to risk an infringement here, such links must always be provided with the attribute „sponsored“.
- UGC links: Links placed by users in forums or blog comments.
- Authoritative links: Links from trusted and established sources, such as major newspapers (New York Times etc.)
- Editorially set links: Links that were deliberately set by an editor or a site and serve the usefulness of the reader.
Paid article (sponsored posts)
A paid item offers many helpful advantages for companies. In this paragraph we would like to explain the paid articles (Sponsored Posts), as well as the link rentals. Sponsored Posts are becoming more and more interesting not only for bloggers, but also for companies. The more reach the more customers a company can get through a paid article.
This is because bloggers have an opinion and are visited and contacted by many people. So customers can not only gain reputation and backlinks, but mostly also get free advertising in social media. This attention helps companies to earn significantly more money through paid articles (Sponsored Posts) and to quickly build up reach and new customers.

For paid articles (Sponsored Posts) customers pay a small fee and place a link. The blogger can write the article himself or the company can write the article. For this purpose the article is sent to the blogger and he publishes the article. The fee is thus for the examination and publication of the article by the Blogger. Also this takes something then: A good text does not write itself in 10 minutes or is also not within this time directly online.
Also paid articles need a good layout and also a good text. For this purpose, the blogger must also look to place the article sensibly and also make it clearly visible in the blog. The framework for paid articles (sponsored posts) is usually 100 euros. Many companies are also willing to pay these sums and recognize the advantages clearly. The backlinks associated with this also help with the ranking of your own site. The reputation towards customers is also higher.
It should always be the goal to create a win-win situation. The blogger cannot publish an infinite number of paid articles. He has to weigh up which articles fit well and how he can increase the reach. The articles should be at least 600 words but also over 2000 words. Bloggers often don’t make a difference for paid articles (Sponsored Posts).
This results in many different metrics, such as density and number of referring domains, quality of the sources, type of backlinks and affiliation of the source (IP or subnetwork) which have a significant influence on the importance and ranking position of a website in Google search results. But also factors like the position of a link on the source page and the frequency with which the linking page uses backlinks play a role. However, not all components can be measurably recorded, as is the case with the components just mentioned.
Because the relevance of the source is also decisive. Especially if there is a relationship between the content of the referring and backlink maintaining website, Google recognizes a qualitative added value. Because here too, endorsements and recommendations from the same „industry“ are more meaningful and credible than random sources.
In order to find the right advocates here, one should always act from the reader’s point of view. If the reader has a good reason to switch from one page to another website by clicking on a link, backlinks usually have a significant and influential added value. For example, when a food blog article refers to the website of a restaurant. Such helpful sources can often be easily found by using the keyword ranking of the „referring page“. If the relevance of certain keywords overlaps on both sides, this is usually a good sign.